In today’s fast-paced world, understanding the principles of personal finance...
Read More“Everything is Beautiful
if your eyes are
looking for it.”
“I don’t write to make you Feel, I write cause you Feel…”
“Manifestation is attracting the universe to flow in a certain way that it creates your imagination. So start by working on your Imagination.”

“For beauty to be perfect, there must be a flaw.”
“A Hawk doesn’t care for the flying fish in his/her Claws, Cause he/she knows at the end of that flight who is having Seafood Delight.”
“Maybe cause you stopped believing, that’s why the perfect doesn’t exist.”
“You are destined to achieve more if you are working more than what you were hired for…”
“Legends are not made by a single story. They are created by the stories that crosses them. They are the ones craved by Time itself.”
“I fell in love with you and faded away from the existence, all for you.”
“It’s not your limit if crossing it, Doesn’t break you into Two!”
“Being Good or Bad is always your choice. Embrace it when you decide!”
“Past doesn’t Bark, it bites!”
“The wisest man is not the one that silents the room. It’s the one who opens the doors so more people can walk in.”
“Don’t Push!
If falling apart, hurts you.”
“Quotes don’t come from what you hear or listen, it comes from what you have beared from the depth of your soul.”
“Everything casts a shadow but it’s on you if you are providing shelter from heat or DARKNESS to a seed.”
“You cannot catch the Train you have missed, And if you do, there is always a price to it.”
“Thy shall ask no questions, if all the answers lie in front of Me.”
Building Blocks of Finance: Exploring Fundamental Concepts
Finance is a vast field that encompasses a range of...
Read MoreWhy fixed deposits are better options than investing in stocks?
When it comes to investing money, there are a plethora...
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